Article and Travel Blog Entries
A walk Across Athens and up Mount Lycabettus
A walk Across Athens and up Mount Lycabettus Hey Friends, Athens, Greece is one of the most beautiful and historic cities in the world. The focal point of the city is the Acropolis, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But, if you're looking for a breathtaking view of the city, you should head to…
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Free Walking tour, Athens, Greece.
A Free Walking tour in Athens, Greece. Hello Friends. Did you know that you can explore a new city without spending a dime? All you need to do is take a free walking tour! These tours are offered by local tour guides and typically last for a few hours. They are a great way to…
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A Long Walk in Athens, Greece, and its street art.
A Long Walk in Athens, Greece, and its street art. Hello Friends, Most people think of long walks as a way to explore nature, but they can also be a great way to explore cities. By walking around a city, you can see things you wouldn't see if you were just driving or riding the…
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A Hike up the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
A Hike up the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. Hello Friends. If you're looking for an unforgettable experience while in Athens, look no further than a hike up the Acropolis. This ancient citadel is perched high above the city, providing stunning views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore the ruins of several ancient temples and…
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Cathedral de la Almudena, Madrid, Spain
Cathedral de la Almudena, Madrid, Spain -- Hello Friends, Cathedrals ... Cathedrals are not just for worship, but for art as well! The stained-glass windows, intricate carvings, and beautiful murals all make these buildings a sight to behold. Whether you're there to pray or just take in the beauty, cathedrals are definitely worth a visit.…
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Egyptian ruins in Madrid, Spain, Temple of Debod
Egyptian ruins in Madrid, Spain, Temple of Debod Hi Friends. There are some interesting ruins in Madrid, Spain. No, not from the Spanish Inquisition or from a medieval castle, but from Ancient Egypt! The Temple of Debod is a small, but intriguing Egyptian ruin located in the middle of Madrid. It's a quick stop on…
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The Good Luck Frog of Madrid, Spain. A Must See!
The Good Luck Frog of Madrid, Spain There's no clear answer, but some believe that good luck is a result of positive thinking and actions, while others believe that bad luck is brought on by negative thinking and actions. Some people even think that luck is inherited. Despite their differences, both theories agree that luck…
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2 Vegetarian restaurants in Madrid
2 Vegertian restaurants I have visited in Madrid, that I recommend to you. Hello Friends! The food in Madrid, Spain is full of spice and very tasty! If you are ever in Madrid, you have to try the food! It is some of the best I have ever had. The spice in the food gives…
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The Glass Palace, Madrid, Spain.
The Glass Palace, Madrid, Spain. Hi Friends. As the saying goes, if you live in a glass house, you should not throw stones. But, what if you DID live in a glass house? Living in a glass house is not as bad as it sounds. Sure, people might be able to see in, but that…
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Travel Day – CT to Spain
Travel Day - CT to Spain Hi Friends. Today my trip started. A few days ago, I posted about the snowstorm that hindered my initial plans, and the issues that this snow caused. So today, I set off to fly to Madrid, Spain by way of London. I had no real plans or directions besides…
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