Saville Dam, Barkhamsted
Saville Dam, Barkhamsted

Saville Dam, Barkhamsted

Saville Dam, Barkhamsted, CT

Hello Travel Peeps!

Today the weather was around the 5 degree mark, so outdoor adventures were put on hold. That being said, I had to get up and get out, so that is what my mom and I did. We decided to take a drive to the historic The Saville Dam, located in Barkhamsted, Connecticut.

The Saville Dam is a historic structure in Barkhamsted, Connecticut, and it’s a great place to visit. This lake (*In the summer times) is a great place to relax, hike, and bike. It also hosts a solid aquatic ecosystem that’s home to a wide variety of fish and other animals. If you’re looking for somewhere to visit in the summer, be sure to check out the Saville Dam! In the winter time… well, it is also nice.

Let’s put on a down jacket and do a short adventure to this dam and see the breathtaking views it provides.

Location : Saville Dam, Barkhamsted, CT 06063
Google Map link :

We parked in the lot on the east side of the dam. When stepping out, you get hit with the cold wind off the 8-mile-long reservoir. While it was cold, the view was amazing, and the photo does not do justice to the vista.

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Walking out of the parking lot, you can cross the street and there is a small walking path on top of the dam face.

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This poodle here caught our shoes by surprise as we stepped into it with little regard for the future happiness of our feet.

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The path along the top of the dam was pleasant, windy and bitter cold, but pleasant. On one side the water, on the other a steep decline into the base below.

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Looking off into the distance, you get a sense of the scale of this dam. More impressive when you realize it was built in 1936.

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From the parking lot to the gate house in the center of the dam, is about a 1/4-mile walk. Not that strenuous in the least, but it still provides a lot of fresh air and feels good.

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When we were kids, my sister, friends and I, would go to another dam in the winter and sled down its face. When I saw this sign, I think perhaps other kids were also trying to sled down at close to the 45-degree angle on the hillside.

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When you reach the center of the dam, there is a covered up something… I think it’s a memorial, perhaps to the Chief Engineer Caleb Mills Saville, of whom the dam is named after. But, I don’t know.

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When you turn around from that is when you are greeted by the best part of this dam, the amazing gate house. Such a well-designed and solid looking, almost castle – feeling building with giant wooden doors.

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Ask any citizen of the United States, and they will tell you that surveillance is a way of life in American society. Cameras are visible everywhere in society, at airports, in stores and on the streets. So it is no surprise that you are also greeted by a bunch of video cameras watching you on top of the dam… so, be on your best behavior.

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Next to the gate house is the bronze sign that documents the building of the dam. I can only think about the process it took to build this. It must have been epic to see.

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Here is a photo of my Mom as well. She is bundled up suitable for the weather. Me, well I just had on a wool sweater. Lol.

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The bridge to the gate house speaks highly of the skill at building this place. Each stone fits together with such skill.

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And just CHECK OUT THEM DOORS! Whoa. Massive. I will say I was disappointed with the tiny keyhole to unlock them… I sorta wanted there to be a MASSIVE keyhole, but nope, just a little house key.

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The only thing that breaks the magic of this moment, is that cars use this dam as well, so they speed past you at 50 MPH. Sorta pulls you back into the moment when one whips past you.

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Walking back to the car, the pale moon can be seen hanging in the sky. It reminds me of the death star in a lot of ways. Just hope it’s not, as I kind of like Earth you know.

Also, to go off on a rant for a second. Do you think werewolves change in the daytime with a full moon?

I don’t think werewolves change in the daytime because werewolves mostly come out at night and nighttime is the right time to change because there are fewer people, and it’s dark. But then, the transformation from human to werewolf is really an act of magic, and magic isn’t constrained by the laws of nature. So, it would seem like perhaps they do… If you are a werewolf and know the answer to this question, please let me know in the comments below. Thank you… Now back to our article.

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For you history buffs, here is the sign that talks about the River Valley with some old looking images on it.

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Looking back at the gatehouse one more time, it was time to get back in the car and warm up!

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The Saville Dam is a very old dam built in the Berkshire mountains of Connecticut. If it’s a sunny warm day, then you may have a better experience then I did, and you could explore more of the hiking trails and outdoor activities the location provides.

If however, you too venture to this location on a bitter cold and windy day in January, this walk along the top of the dam is a nice way to feel accomplished.

Thanks for joining me on this walk and I hope you get up and get outside for adventures soon.

Best Regards, 😀

Hey, if you enjoyed this walk, here is another articel about a walk at Haystack Mountain, Connecticut  you can read too!

Tim on a Rock
Tim on a Rock
Roaming Sparrow is a project by Tim Mack. It is a life on the road, an adventure to gain knowledge and share genuine experiences.
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