Seeing a Circus Show in Thessaloniki, Greece. “Gelsomina Dreams”
Seeing a Circus Show in Thessaloniki, Greece. “Gelsomina Dreams”

Seeing a Circus Show in Thessaloniki, Greece. “Gelsomina Dreams”

Seeing a Circus Show in Thessaloniki, Greece. “Gelsomina Dreams”

Hello Friends,

If you’re looking to expand your mind and get new ideas, watching stage shows is a great way to do it. Whether it’s a play, musical, or stand-up comedy routine, you’re sure to see something new and exciting. Not to mention, it’s a great way to escape from reality for a little while and enjoy some good entertainment.

Yesterday I went to see “Gelsomina Dreams”, a tribute to Fellini’s dreamlike genius. It was shown at the Principal Club Theater, here in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The story about why I went.

A few days ago, I met a hula-hooping person at a park. We talked about circus arts. Then a few days later we linked up to celebrate Clean Monday in a park Story Here. While getting food for that adventure, in the restaurant there was a poster for a circus show. So the 4 of us said we would go.

The day before, my circus friend ended up getting sick, and they tried to push the tickets to Saturday night. However, the tickets can’t be moved. :/, The other people decided to drop out and stay home, so… I was like, OK< I will go by myself and start on the 45-minute walk to the venue.

When I got there, I text my friend, I was the only one at a table with 4 seats. So I get a little bottle wine, and nuts, start to settle in, then BAM! 2 of them show up, and we see the show together. HAHAHA, Good times.

About the show…

“Gelsomina Dreams”

… is based on the dream of Gelsomina, an ethereal and visionary young woman / child, the bearer of a constantly evolving feeling. Soruce

The Venue :

Principal Club Theater

Location : 26is Oktovriou 15, Thessaloniki 546 27
Google Map Link :

The company producing the event is :
FB Hastags (Not Hive) : #GelsominaDreams @iicatene @blucinque @principal_club

Cost: €12

After my walk, they had a little vending wagon outside slinging wrapped sandwiches. It had a nomadic feeling to it.

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I had arrived perhaps, 1 hr too early, so the place was sorta empty… was I going to get mugged or was I going to see a show… who knows, but adventure lays ahead. This I thought as I walked into the dark lot that was ahead of me.

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That same thought passed my mind as I stood at the doors, the bitter cold biting at my nose, the doors still locked, no one looked like they were home… Was this the wrong night? The wrong place?

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Inside, the same… No one was walking around, no bustle of people getting ready. However, there was a lot of ‘fog’ in the air, so, something was going to happen.

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After some time, the ticket booth came to life. What is strange, is that 90% of all the writing here is in Greek.. But “Box Office Tickets. E-tickets” in English. Strange…

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Looking into the theater, I could see the cast getting ready, so that at least calmed my mind a bit, as I realized that ‘yes’, I had the right place.

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Here are the posters of the event. Truthfully, had I seen the posters I would not have thought “circus”, more like modern dance or theater. But then, the show is not a classical or modern circus, sure it has circus elements, but more dance and art theater I think.

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Here is the seat I took, 3 empty seats… HAHAHAH.

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And the lonely bottle of wine rocking out at only €5, so to me, that was a great deal, and the nuts were free. WOOT!

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My friends showed up about 10 min before the start of the show. Then this fine looking chap takes the stage with no fan fair, but walks out and starts to talk.

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The first act was an aerial silk number. The transition from ground to air by a pully was interesting. Between each act, a narrator talks in Italian. Not speaking Italian or Greek… my experience was all visual. I wonder how my experience would have changed if I had understood what they were saying…

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There were interesting transitions between acts along with, smaller circus acts. Again, not your ‘Classic’ Circus format, of an act, applause, MC, act… etc. More like each act sort of melted into each other. I have mixed feelings about this, as, as an audience member, I want to clap, but without a time when I can, it makes me feel a bit awkward.

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That being said, a lot of great visual moments and body shapes.

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There were 2 main types of musical cast members at the front of the stage. It was a mix of electronic and classical, violin, guitar and trumpet. The music went from thumping techno to more ethical floating music.

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It was enjoyable to see the different artists take flight in the various aerial numbers.

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While I may have mixed feelings about the over – all presentation of the show, the artists all had a solid skill level, and, from perspective, enjoyed what they were doing. So that was a big win!

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A lot of it felt more modern dance related., with artists rising and falling on to the stage and jumping around a lot. Entertaining, yes.

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They had this device as well they played on. I wish they had done more with it as it looks like there is a lot of potential in it, but a lot of the show, was posting and striking look… I am not sure if that is what the director was going for.

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The Lyra and Cyr Wheel number were great.

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They did a fantastic bit of 2 people Cyr. That was the first time I saw this act.

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A few moments of the show had singing as well. This was a nice addition that added to the magic.

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Towards the end of the show, the cast all comes out and starts to walk about. While I assume it was choreographed, the final transformation did not feel that well assembled. Again, that is just my option as I like a transition to cleaner, There was no “focal” point, and I was not sure where I should be looking.

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The show ended with the cast watching a movie on white silks, then came and took several bows.

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Over all, I thought the show was worth my time, the cast was skilled and well-trained. The format of the show, I did not like that much and at times, I was lost on what to look at and confused. I would recommend seeing the show. It was a great night and I am happy to have been to see it.

Thanks for joining me today. Come back tomorrow for another story.


Tim on a Rock
Tim on a Rock
Roaming Sparrow is a project by Tim Mack. It is a life on the road, an adventure to gain knowledge and share genuine experiences.
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