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Mui Nghe or written in Vietnamese as Mũi Nghê is located on the southeast tip of the Son Tra peninsula in Danang Vietnam. This hidden gem is a sketchy hike down from a blocked off entranceway but provides a remarkable natural tide pool and the first rays of light from the rising Sun.
Come with me on this journey as I take you to see this remarkable place.
Mui Nghe Danang Vietnam
To get to this hiking location you have to travel to the very end of the peninsula. You also have to have a semi-automatic motorbike or a manual motorbike to get there as the guards will not let you into the peninsula without one. You will see in the image below where the road stops, this is where you need to have the manual or semi-automatic bike to proceed forward or hire a driver in a car.
Getting to Mui Nghe 
This is literally the end of the road.
This is also where I’m going to insert a bit of a warning.
There was this big sign pictured below.
The guide we had with us said don’t worry about it, and that it was fine to go hiking here still. lol… However, upon returning the guards had let the air out of our back tires on our bikes, as punishment for disobeying the sign. People the Passive Had Their Bikes Taken Away We Were Told As Well.
So be forewarned if you come here do not disrespect the sign, for if you do be prepared to pay the consequences.
Lastly, I will note that they put the sign up as several tourists have died in this area or have become lost on the path so they have stopped people from coming here.
The path down the initial hill was very steep.
Sometimes the path was almost fully overgrown as well with vines and roots, we almost got lost as well by taking one wrong turn.
Other parts of the path were quite relaxing however with a nice jungle stroll.
You eventually break free of the jungle and emerge see the ocean horizon.
There are some more rocky cliffs to scale down before reaching the water.
but eventually, we turned the bend and saw our destination
Nestled in the shadow of this lion rock was a little title pool, everyday freshwater would come in washout the previous day’s pool. Swimming here was quite relaxing and delightful.
Splashing around having some fun
I also managed to get a picture of my friends on top of the rock. this was a very fun group of people!
We also spent time gathering up floating plastic that we found here and carried it out with us
Then more people start showing up and it was our cue to head back to the bikes.
The hike back up was sort of uneventful, but it was nice to work the legs get the stress of going up the big hill.
We got back to the bikes that is when I noticed that my back tire was flat.
One of the guides up the road said that the security guards will come and let the air out your tire if you break the rules.
Not too sure what else to do or who to call I decided to drive for a bit on the flat tire And try to find assistance… This was a mistake I discovered about a mile down the road when this happened.
lol. So I started to push my bike and eventually a local Vietnamese person took pity on me, told me to stop and they called a mechanic to come help.
So I sat next to these monkey statues and waited…
and I enjoyed a nice view…
Eventually, the mechanic came and fixed my tire. I drove back to my house to have a coconut juice and a nap.
All in all a very exciting day.
Lessons were learned, and memories were made.
I hope you enjoyed looking at this article and you may consider doing an adventure yourself one day to a forbidden hiking place… but don’t do it. ;)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ expand_height=”yes” overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ sticky=”yes” width=”1/3″][vc_button border_width=”0″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Froamingsparrow.smugmug.com%2FVietnam-2020%2F07262020-Hike-To-Mui-Nghe-Trip%2F|||”]View more photos of this location here[/vc_button][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-1″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]