A Peaceful morning at Inner Space Danang
A Peaceful morning at Inner Space Danang

A Peaceful morning at Inner Space Danang


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A Peaceful morning at Inner Space Danang

Hello Friends,

Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. It is a positive emotion and can be found in many different forms. Happiness is often associated with joy, love, and satisfaction, but it can also be found in small moments of contentment, like a sunny day or a good cup of coffee.

To further expand on this, Happiness is a state of mind that comes from within. It is not based on what is going on around us, but rather on our own thoughts and perceptions. Happiness is something that we can choose to have, regardless of our circumstances. When we are truly happy, we feel content, at peace, and fulfilled. There is nothing that can take away our happiness unless we let it.

So you may be asking now, why is he rambling on about happiness. Well, I will tell you. Sunday morning a friend and I traveled across town to a place called Inner Space Danang (*Trung Tâm Inner Space). This is a meditation center staffed by friendly volunteers and people. Such a nice place.

On this day, they were having an event about being happy, and what happiness is. So cool. Anyways, Happiness is important to learn about because it is the key to a happy life. By understanding what happiness is, you can find it in your own life and live a happier life as a result. There are many different ways to be happy, so it is important to find what works for you and make the most of it.

So as most times here is the story and some photos from this journey of the mind into the land of happiness at Inner Space Danang (*Trung Tâm Inner Space).

Inner Space Danang (*Trung Tâm Inner Space)

When we arrived at Inner Space Danang (*Trung Tâm Inner Space), people were already exploring and experiencing the space. Lol, I meant to go on Saturday, however on Saturday, I thought it was Friday, after a friend let me know on Saturday that in fact, it was Saturday and NOT Friday, I changed the plan and visited on Sunday.

Days of the week aside, the building was quite lovely and when we arrived we were greeted by some very nice people.


The experience was composed of 7 different sections. Each talks about different aspects of happiness.


Taking off our shoes, the guide showed us in. It was nice to see so many people enjoying the experience together. I think it means that Happiness is an important topic for many.


This guy out front was also playing such nice music, it was a good way to enter into a state… room, of happiness.


This wheel was about what steals your happiness. We all took a turn at spinning it, then talked for a moment about the face, and what it meant. The “Happiness thief”, much like the hamburgglerer who steals your hamburgers, the happiness thief steals your happiness, you need to be aware of such things.


The next station was about picking up symbolic stones around topics that make you stressed.


The green stones mean that you don’t have a big attachment to it, while the larger oranges stones mean you do.


In the end, you take all your attachments and drop them into the basket, letting them go. Then you pick up a card that calls to you. For me, it was the Sun card. Lol.


The next station was the one I enjoyed the most. It was a series of paintings moving from a storming mind to a clear mind and what words and thoughts keep you from finding happiness. The guide translated most of it from Vietnamese to English for me, while asking questions about what we were thinking.


Outside, it was the next station. Here (*Not pictured), were photos of different people all in different states of life. Some old, some young, some with disabilities, some fit, some working in the field, some not. It talks about how happiness is a choice for you and not a product of what’s around you. This is all very true.


After we went to the second floor where they played a video for us on meditating on happiness, then invited us to sit and look at nature for a little bit, then write what we were thinking. The umbrella caught my attention.


What could be more cheerful than a few bright yellow flowers? They are like sunshine in bloom! I believe that these flowers are a symbol of happiness because they always make me feel so joyful. Even looking at a picture of them makes me smile. I hope that you will take a moment to enjoy the simple pleasure of looking at some yellow flowers today and that they will bring a smile to your face too!


We went back downstairs and it was on to painting your “Happy Face”. Hahaha. This was such a fun time. I did not take a photo of what I painted (*I sorta forgot as they asked to them paint a photo of a young boy next to me as well). But I think it turned out looking happy. lol


They gave us all these bright colors. How much fun is it to paint? I think more people need to make time to paint. Set no goals, and just have fun. It is a good time.


My friend did an EPIC job, I love the huge smile they painted here. I like the freedom of expression in the work they did, but they did not like it too much…

hrmm. Why do artists never like their work? It’s because they’re always striving for perfection and they know that their work will never be perfect. They’re always critiquing their own work and finding ways to improve it. It’s also because they’re constantly exposed to other people’s work and they compare themselves to others. They see all the flaws in their own work and they just want to fix them. ??

I don’t know… but I think it is nice!


ON the way out they gave us a lovely little gift and we took a photo together. What was the gift? I am not sure yet… I did not open it. I will wait till a moment I need a little pick me up, then open it I think. 😀


The main takeaway from all this is that happiness is something we can choose for ourselves, regardless of our circumstances. It’s not something that we have to wait for or that we can find outside of ourselves. So, if you’re not currently feeling very happy, remember that it’s always a choice. Choose to be happy today and see how your life changes for the better.

Cheers and thanks for reading today. 🙂

If you enjoyed this article, you may want to read this article about : An adventure to Bao An Macrobiotic in Danang Vietnam

Tim on a Rock
Tim on a Rock
Roaming Sparrow is a project by Tim Mack. It is a life on the road, an adventure to gain knowledge and share genuine experiences.
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