Bromo To Ijen
Bromo To Ijen

Mount Bromo to Jalan Kawah Ijen

Mount Bromo to Jalan Kawah IjenIt was late in the evening when we headed out of Kota Yogyakarta.  First on to a over night train, then onto a very early morning buss, but w arrived at the base of Mout Bromo .  We were the first to arrive at a small way station, and our buss driver up to the top of the Mountain would not leave till we had at least 6 passengers (We only had myself and one other at the time). So we waited and played chess with the locals.  After about 5 hours, another group arrived and we set forth for the summit.

When we reached the top, we all checked into a hostel at the edge of the carter and set out to reach the rim of the volcano. It was a massive change from the lush jungles below, this desert we had to walk threw was massive.

Walking up 200 stairs to the top of the rim, we all watched the sun set.

The next morning we woke before dawn to walk up to the overlooking ridge. This cold hike was just a herald of what was to come in 2 days when we would go up Mount Ijen. 

We took a passenger van to a coffee plantation, bathed in some hot springs, then the next day woke up at 3 am, to reach the bast a 4 am. Then spend 2 hours hiking up with the sulfur miners. In the heart of the Volcano the fire burned blue!

These photos were taken in 2014, and here it is 2019, so please excuse the lack of information on locations. Its been awhile and the details I do not recall 100%

Tim on a Rock
Tim on a Rock
Roaming Sparrow is a project by Tim Mack. It is a life on the road, an adventure to gain knowledge and share genuine experiences.
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