Roaming Sparrow day 1
Roaming Sparrow day 1

Creating a Travel Blog – The Name and Logo!

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Creating a Travel Blog – The Name and Logo!

Hello fellow travel lovers. As I work towards this new life, I’m going to document the process of Creating a Travel Blog and what all goes in to making in.

The plan is to document my process of developing this travel blog and then launching it, and then document the life of a travel blogger discovering the world. I hope by seeing the process of this, you too will be inspired to start your own!

Lets get inspired together and then travel together!

Lets Dive In – Picking a Name

Before I start on a web page, I like to have a logo in mind.
To make a logo, I need to have a name or idea.

The process of brainstorming and name is a tricky one. You want something that stands out, something unique, but also speaks about the intent of the project.

I was debating strange travel words such as “Resfeber” or “Vagary”, as they are unique but I don’t feel as though they captured what I want. There a lot of other travel blogs with the word “nomad”, or “vagabond” so I wanted to steer clear of that as well. For a moment I was playing around with the word platypus, like the lonely platypus, or platypus on wheels…lol but that was just a bit too hard to spell o.O .

After some more thinking on names I settled on the name, “Roaming Sparrow”. Roaming is what I’ll be doing, and the sparrow while small, has a big personality. It is a sign of good luck with travelers as well. It also had a nice ring to it, and then their is Jack Sparrow as well.. lol.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Creating a Travel Blog : Drawing the Logo

With the name now selected I started to do some sketching in my book on sparrows. Here are some the drawings.

Mis » Roaming Sparrow » 2025

I enjoyed the look of that bottom sparrow and did some more drawings with it. To save time, I took out my light board and trace the bird a few times. Here are the tracings.

Sparrow Sketches
Sparrow Sketches

With some clean lines I can now bring it into Adobe Illustrator.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Onto Illustrator

For a logo I like to make sure its a Vector based image. Why Vector? Well, This will allow you MUCH more freedom in its use later on. With a vector based image you can scale to the size of the building and still have it be sharp!

To this end, with a few different versions sketched out, I imported them into illustrator and started going through some variations of them.

Here are the many variations I did in illustrator.

Vector Sparrows Sketches
Vector Sparrows Sketches

I won’t go through the process of how to edit in illustrator, that might be beyond the scope of this post… But it’s fairly intuitive when you dive in.

With a good version to use, I started to pay with layout and font choices.

Here are 2 other versions I used while working towards the final design.

3 » Roaming Sparrow » 2025

2 » Roaming Sparrow » 2025

I enjoyed the feeling of the last one. just not the font and a few more tweaks to the bird feathers, so I push to design more and arrived at what will be my final logo.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The Final Logo

Roaming Sparrow
Roaming Sparrow

Overall I do like the way this logo looks.

I feel it’s playful and has a nice energy to it. I am a bit worried that when I shrink it down and might get a bit muddy, and details will be lost… I do however feel it could still stand on its own and is iconic.


All said and done, from name brain storming to final logo took about 4 or 5 ish hours.

  • What you think of this logo?
  • Do you like it?

My next part of this process setting up WordPress website and get content going. Spoiler alert :  You are reading this on WordPress… you will know part 2 was successful.

So their you have it, the first part of Creating a Travel Blog.

Stay tuned for part two![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ expand_height=”yes” gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ sticky=”yes” width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-1″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tim on a Rock
Tim on a Rock
Roaming Sparrow is a project by Tim Mack. It is a life on the road, an adventure to gain knowledge and share genuine experiences.
Find some great experences, check out Viator!

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