Hello Adventure and Travel Lovers!
My name is Tim, purveyor of the Roaming Sparrow.
A former entertainment company and circus owner who put down the top hat to travel the world. That is me in that picture on the side juggling some sickles.
YOU are not alone if you ever asked –
- I want to see the world but am not sure of the first steps?
- How can I find some great deals on travel?
- What is some of the best and most affordable gear to use?
- Planing a trip seems hard, where do I start?
- Is it expensive to travel and how can I pay for it?
Even after years of planing shows and trips, I have had these same questions, and wondered if it is all doable, to live a life of travel. That is why I started The Roaming Sparrow. To make a go at living a life of travel. In the process, documenting the journey for others to follow.
From Circus Owner to Travel Writer!
It’s true, you never really do know where you end up in life. When I was a kid, I wanted to make video games and got a BFA in Computer Animation, got a job in film working on special effects. Life tossed me a curve ball and I ended up running away with Cirque du Soleil. I worked on the “Kooza” show for a little over a year as a photographer (*That is me on the side).
While on the road, I fell in love with Circus and decided to started my own operation in Atlanta GA. And that is what I did. Allays tho, this desire for travel was growing. Its not easy starting a circus… they dont have any books for it. Lol. Years of learning, skill building and more. In September of 2014 I took a month off from my company to travel in South East Asia and it open my eyes very wide.
WOW. This rekindled my deep desire to see more of the world.

South East Asia was amazing!
This is was my big first solo adventure. Landing in Bangkok … stepping off the plane and into the world I knew nothing about, was as much exhilarating as scary.
I think it’s is in those moments that we define who we are going to be. If were going to let fear win out over discovery and adventure, or not. To this day I am glad I did not let fear win as in this adventure, as many great memories were made with some amazing people from around the world.
I did not know at this time that I would also meet someone who would inspire me for greater adventure in a few years!
On Tour with Ringling Brothers (Blue Unit)
In 2017 I did a short tour with Ringling Brothers. I joined them in Washington DC, and stated to live on the train as a backstage hand. What an amazing experience. Living on a train with AMAZING artists from around the world. I met people with colorful backgrounds and stories. Getting to work in the last ever Ringling Brothers show in NY City, this just helped to fuel this ever growing desire to see the world even more.
Granted the work was back braking with 16 hours days, almost nonstop movement, and well.. the pay left a lot to be desired… it was and is an experience I would do again.
Circus is my first love.

The Tipping Point
In the winter of 2018, several travel friends I met while in South East Asia came and stayed with me in Atlanta Ga. They told me stories of their adventures. Over a bottle of wine, I realized they were living a dream that I wanted to live as well. (*I never said it, but Thank you Anika and Diego! Your story’s stirred my heart.)
It was hard to give up the dream of owning a circus, to walk away from so many hours of training, and a successful company to chase a desire. Frankly, I am a little sad and the “what if’s”, do pop in to mind every now and again, but when the road calls you must listen. When you listen its all you hear. Since then I have been gearing up to set out on adventure. Working to shift from the life of circus, to the life of travel.
It seems however that Circus and Travel are closely aligned.
- Few people run away to join a circus, and few want to travel for their lives.
- To travel you must be willing to do it with your full heart, like you perform in a ring.
- You must be willing to meet and accept people of any types both in a Circus and on the road.
- Travel and Circus are the same, one plays out in a round ring, one in a round world!
My mission now is to pass along travel knowledge to others who wish to take the leap. To help with guidance, knowledge and accounts of what its like to be on the road. Lets work together to make you the best traveler you can be!
What Knowledge You Will Gain on This Web Page
Inspiration, Ideas, and Travel Know How.
3 worlds that it, Short and sweet!
While I travel, this web page will be updated with my findings. When I meet interesting people who have knowledge or good stories, I want to interview them and post it here. This site will review travel gear and give you SOLID recommendations. I hope in time this site will grow to be the go to source for travel advice and knowledge.
Or at the very least, a place that will inspire YOU and others to travel more.
I am thankful you took time to stop on by and visit this web page. I hope we meet some day on the road and swap travel stories about fantastic places.
Best Regards and see you down the road.
“The Roaming Sparrow”
– Tim.